WTC 7 Explosives Placement possibility

shaman_ has argued that a controlled demolition takes a lot of time a planning to pull off. Here is a possible explanation. While I didn't find any of the big names (Steven Jones, Kevin Ryan, David Ray Griffin, 9/11 Research) saying anything on this, but I -did- find this:
9/11 was a master plot, concocted by a handfull of Israelis and dual passport Americans and carried out by the resources of the Mossad. Larry Silverstein buys a nearly worthless WTC building complex (worthless due to the asbestos the buildings were stuffed with and needed to be cleaned up, the cost of which may have rivaled the value of the buildings themselves) weeks before 9/11, makes sure it is over-ensured against terrorist acts, tellingly with a german ensurer, next hires an israeli security firm and in the weekend before 9/11 cuts off power in all the WTC buildings with 'maintenance' as an excuse, so the buildings are virtually empty. At that moment the coast is clear to let a team of demolition experts from the israeli army led by Peer Segalovitz into the WTC buildings. These charges plus detonators had been prepared at the premises of the Urban Moving Systems company, a Mossad front. During this weekend these prepared charges were loaded into vans, driven into the basement of WTC next to the elevator shaft, unloaded into the elevator, and lifted onto the roof of the elevator through the openening in the elevator ceiling. Next the elevator moved from floor to floor while charges where being attached to the columns as displayed in this video from 0:22 onwards[I saw no video at this part of the text].The detonators of these charges were radio controlled and finally detonated from WTC7 on the day of 9/11.